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Odissi Music (oṛiśī sangīta – ଓଡ଼ିଶୀ ସଙ୍ଗୀତ) is an ancient genre of classical music in India, originated from the eastern state of Odisha. The traditional ritual music for the service of Lord Jagannatha, Odissi music has a history spanning over two thousand years, original sangita-shastras or treatises, unique Ragas & Talas and a distinctive style of rendition. The various subgenres of Odissi music include : odissi, chhānda, champu, chautisā, janāna, mālasri, bhajana, sarimāna, jhulā, kuduka, koili, poi and more. Presentation dynamics are classified into rāgānga, bhābānga, natyānga, dhrubapadānga.
Some great composer-poets of the Odissi music tradition are the 12th-century poet Jayadeva, Dinakrusna, Upendra Bhanja, Banamali, Kabisurjya Baladeba, Gopalakrusna and Benudhara.
Odissi Mardala

The Mardala is the primary percussion instrument of the Odissi music tradition. It has a unique construction, sound, repertoire and playing technique.